Production Time for Set Designs- 5-7 business days
Production Time for Totally Custom Designs- You'll receive your print preview within 5 business days. Once you approve, your finished product will be ready within 5-7 business days
Faster Service- Contact me before ordering if you need your project sooner. I can usually accommodate this. There will be a 25% rush fee if your order is needed in less than 48 hours.
Shipping Rates are based on order amount: $1-$49 = $5 shipping, $50-$124 = $10 Shipping, 125+ = Free Shipping
Local Pick Up is available in Block House Creek, Leander, TX. You'll get an email when your order is ready.
Returns- No returns are accepted as everything is made to order. Please contact me if there is a mistake on my part and I'll take care of you.